Personal Development

The Personal Development Programme is wide-reaching and impacts every area of school life.

The Personal Development area is broken down into the following sections. you can click the links below or navigate using the menu on the left



Year 11 Destinations 2020

Year 11 Destinations 2021

Year 11 Destinations 2022

Year 13 Destinations 2022



We ensure that from tutor time to unstructured time in the playground from assemblies to curriculum lessons, Personal Development is identified and practiced.

The Personal Development Lead is Safeguarding trained and works in collaboration with the DSL to ensure that topics are delivered that are appropriate to our students’ age and circumstances.

Assemblies - Specific topics covering CEIAG, Healthy Living, Wider World and Being Safe

Tutor time - Mental Health, CEIAG and current affairs which enables students to develop their oracy skills.  There is a requirement to deliver this in tutor time.  

PSHEE - RSE and specific PSHEE sessions

LLL - specific lessons on our Core Values and SIkhi

Curriculum lessons - an expectation to demonstrate Gatsby Benchmark 4 and cover PSHE content highlighted in the PSHE audit.  Please make me aware of any changes to your curriculum that might affect the delivery of the PSHE content.

Unstructured time - The pastoral staff on duty are there not just for health and safety but to ensure that students learn how to act appropriately towards each other.  Sometimes there are issues that arise with friendship groups and upsets.  Sometimes there are problems to be solved.  It is during unstructured time that students have to apply the knowledge they have learned in sessions.  The pastoral team helps them to do this.  In tern the staff can see how effectively the lessons are being understood and acted upon by the students.